• How can I join?

    1. Register via RegNow to become automatically our affiliate - https://admin.mycommerce.com/app/signup/affiliate?auto_vendor=18831
    2. Pick up the MacShiny affiliate links and use them on your website. Through these links your sales will be tracked and your commission paid.
    3. Contact us at affiliates@macshiny.com to receive the additional promo materials and assistance of your personal affiliate manager
  • Direct download link


  • Important: Please link users directly to http://macshiny.com/downloads/PreparePkg…

    Instead of downloading the installer only once and putting it on your web site. We need this for tracking your sales.

  • Landing page


  • Download page


  • Buy page


YOUR_ID - Change to your affiliate’s ID at Regnow!

To improve the conversion rate it is highly recommended to use the free trial version first.

The above mentioned links set affiliate cookies on MacShiny.com. The cookies expire in 12 month.
The main sales funnel is formed by the user downloads and installations of the MacShiny app.

In this case the affiliate id is additionally stored in our database along with a pkgGuid cookie inside the app. In the main sales funnel the user clicks on a buy (activate) button in the app and the browser will be opened with the app cookie. The sales will be then linked automatically to the affiliate network and affiliate id.

Thus affiliates are tracked by both browser cookie and app cookie. The app cookie will remain even if the user switches the browser or deletes all browser cookies.